Boldness, Brexit and the £Billion fund.  The facts behind the UK’s technology strategy

The digital economy – with the evolution of AI at its heart – is creating jobs almost three times faster than the rest of the UK economy.  So, as you’d expect Government is investing heavily to support it.    Philip Bond, a member of the Government’s Council for Science & Technology since 2014, gives us the inside track on political thinking at the highest level and reveals how AI can not only take business forward, but solve many of the country’s economic and social ills too.

  • The £billion fund – why the Government’s investment promise for competition and research in AI, robotics and automation can make the difference
  • Unlocking UK productivity – how AI can deliver a welcome boost to the UK’s productivity performance
  • Beyond big city fixations and the north/south divide – why AI entrepreneurism isn’t a big business, London-centric game
  • Beyond Brexit – what Government and industry must do to keep the UK ahead in a research field characterised by cross-border collaboration

Philip Bond is visiting Professor in the Departments of Engineering Mathematics and Computer Science at Bristol University, a Visiting Fellow in the Oxford Industrial and Applied Mathematics Centre at the University of Oxford and Director of the Quantitative Software Consultancy.  He advises the Prime Minister on AI and technology policy and helped to shape the UK’s strategy for robotics and autonomous systems. He has degrees in physics, applied non-linear analysis, finance and pure mathematics.